Did you know that your competitors might be using bots to scrape the pricing information on your site? They could then use this information to price their products more competitively than you. They could also be scraping your site for product descriptions or images as well. Bots can also cause fake shopping carts which can hamper your marketing efforts as well. How would you ever know any of this was happening and how would you stop it?

This is where Shield Square comes in. Their service will allow you to prevent all of the bad bots from crawling your site, while allowing the good bots to crawl it. This can cut down on fake carts, repricing crawlers, content thieves, and other bad types of bots. But it will not hurt your SEO, because all of the good bots like Google, Bing, and other search engines are allowed to crawl your site.


Square Shield PrestaShop

Square Shield PrestaShop

Square Shield PrestaShop

Download Module

This module makes the changes to your site that it can be protected by Shield Square from bad bots

PrestaShop 1.5-1.6
thirty bees all versions

To install this module, simply upload the module from the modules page in the back office of your PrestaShop installation. Once it is uploaded you will be able to install and configure the module.

We can only offer minimal support for our free modules. You are welcome to contact our support team at the link below if you run into any bugs with the module.

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