This module is a Paypal module that works with all countries in the world. This module is based off of the Paypal Europe module with a few changes to make it work world wide. If you are in a country like the UK and you installed Paypal 3.10.2 and you can no longer take paypal payments, this module will fix that. It also has an English translation with the module too. The English translation was translated from the module’s French translation with Google Translate, so it is not the best, but workable.

Before the PayPal Europe module would use your country to see which methods you could use. Our module has removed that limitation. Every country in the world can use every method in the module.

As a side note:

We are embarrassed that we have had to make this module.

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This module will allow your PrestaShop 1.6 store to accept Paypal payments without country restrictions on what Paypal services that your site uses.

PrestaShop 1.5-1.6

To install this module, simply upload the module from the modules page in the back office of your PrestaShop or thirty bees installation. Once it is uploaded you will be able to install and configure the module.

We can only offer minimal support for our free modules. You are welcome to contact our support team at the link below if you run into any bugs with the module.

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